The Lot Radio is currently building a new venue for its headquarters and café.
When the New York State Department of Health withdrew its approval of The Lot Radio‘s kiosk, the establishment had no choice but to pause its activity. The café and radio station’s founder has now shared plans to reopen in a new space following a series of renovations.
In conversation with Resident Advisor, François Vaxelaire said that The Lot Radio has partnered with a Manhattan architectural firm called LOT-EK to build a new venue. The current one is a repurposed shipping container with a self-contained water system as it sits on a vacant lot with no access to utilities. LOT-EK’s emphasis on repurposed materials made Vaxelaire and company determine it to be a good fit.
Here’s where it gets interesting: The renovations are apparently not a function of the closure. Rather, Vaxelaire said that they caused it.
Vaxelaire recounted that the Department of Health had approved of The Lot Radio’s food truck-like water system five years ago. In October, however, the business saw an uptick in violations. “We want to clarify that the shutdown is unrelated to any sanitary issues or health hazard,” he said. “It is solely the result of us applying for major renovations and being in a temporary undetermined status with New York City’s Department of Buildings.”
“The Department of Health is well aware of our renovation project but has nonetheless decided to shut us down instead of letting us conduct business in the meantime,” Vaxelaire continued. “We are working diligently to resolve this situation and hope to welcome you back to our little triangle as soon as possible.”
While the café remains closed, The Lot Radio continues its broadcasting activity by allowing DJs to enter through a separate entrance.