*photo credit: Adam Dillon
Trigger Warning: this article has detailed accounts of physical and emotional abuse, as well as discussion of self-harm.
First and foremost, we want to say that we whole-heartedly stand with Sam Black, and commend her for speaking out. It takes a very brave person to tell their story, especially when it relates to physical and emotional abuse.
In a shocking post on Twitter, Sam detailed the toxic behavior of her former fiancé, Ekali (Nathan Shaw). This is nothing short of horrific. In addition to detailed accounts of physical abuse, there are a plethora of people coming forward with comprehensive stories about his cheating.
Ok. I can’t. Here’s A SMALL PART of the story of who the real @EkaliMusic is. You made your bed. Lay in it. Every word of this is fact. I have all the receipts. I can’t let your fans be deceived anymore. Here you go internet. pic.twitter.com/2UWZUYAUNN
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020
There’s an overwhelming slew of you coming forward about his cheating, please only send to me if it was after April of 2019 that is when we started dating. Thank you guys for your honesty and courage. This is not your fault, it’s his and his alone. All will remain anonymous.
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020
Both sides ?? pic.twitter.com/LFrdagPAlf
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 17, 2020
The DMs speak for themselves. See below.
If anyone else out there has the courage to come clean and tell me, trust me I do not blame you, I know how manipulative and evil he is, please please send me a private message I will keep it confidential for you, it’s not your fault it’s his.
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020
And more pic.twitter.com/9szZRADmQv
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020
Additionally, Ekali has been DMing fans, asking them to take his side.
He’s now privately dming his “fam base” manipulating them and threatening them.
Please be aware. pic.twitter.com/VUiMsfWBG4— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020

On Facebook, former Ekali fans are already selling their merchandise.

On a positive note, it has been heartwarming to see other artists and fans stand up for Sam. There should be no tolerance whatsoever for the type of behavior that Ekali has exhibited.
It really means the world to me that all of you, strangers, “ekali fans”, his friends, other djs, are all taking this stand with me. I can’t thank you I enough for supporting me through this traumatic time. Thank u all. Sincerely. ?
— SAM BLACK (@SAMBLACKY) October 18, 2020
Can’t wait to raise my kids to not be pieces of shit
— blanke ? C&D:The Fall OUT NOW ? (@blankemusic) October 18, 2020
Throw those jerseys away and hit that unfollow and stand by sam and the other victims. Listen 2 their stories. They need us right now. There’s so many incredible artists who are not pieces of shit ,you will find a new fave. I Unfollowed Ekali immediately after reading 2 sentences
— CRAY (@craymusic) October 18, 2020
Cray said it best: “We do not support abusers. Period.”
Moments ago, Ekali came out with a statement. You can read it here, if you so wish.
I feel sick writing this article. I cannot even imagine how Sam feels.
Sam: you are not alone. Thank you for your courage. We love and respect you so much.