Madonna Refuses To Work With David Guetta, Why?

David Guetta just announced that Madonna refused to make an album with him because he is a Scorpio. Yes, that’s right. It is astrology and not anything else–including talent–that sets them apart.

Guetta appeared on YouTube and stated that he did a remix for her in 2009. It won a Grammy for the best remix of a non-classical recording. She then called him up and told him that she loved the remix. She even suggested that he produce her next album. However, tragedy struck amongst one question.

“I arrive for lunch. We talk about everything, the music, what she wants to do with the album. Super nice. It’s just her and me. Very relaxed, very cool. We have lunch. It’s happening. very good and you wonder when we start working together. She asks me for my astrological sign. I answer her Scorpio. Suddenly, she makes a face and she says to me, ‘I’m sorry, we’re not going to be able to work together. It was a pleasure to know you. Goodbye’.” – David Guetta

And that’s the whole confession. Now, it’s a little nonsensical, to say the least but to each their own. We can dissect this and see what the potential problem areas could be. The Queen of Pop is a Leo, and David is a Scorpio. Two fire signs that have bold personalities, similar to each other. They are passionate, persistent, loyal, and fearlessly curious. So in essence, these could be a confrontational combination.

Nevertheless, humorous and passionate Leos can butt heads with assertive, stubborn Scorpios. While the study of star and planet alignments to predict futures isn’t the most preferred method of partnership, sometimes it can be. Spiritually, it looks like it could be the case.

Right now, this is the only reason that is out there. What are your thoughts on the matter?