Germany. Capital of EDM. Home of Techno. Even tho it wasn’t created there. There’s no country in the world such as Germany when talking about techno. It is the mecca of dance music’s oldest genre. And they know it. That is why, today, Germany announced it will increase it’s art and culture funding to 2.1 billion euros for next year.
After the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the German government, unlike ANYONE ELSE decided to do the smart thing and help one of its most important industries. Through the Neustart Kultur project, Germany designated €150 million that would help save the live music and events industry. Neustart Kultur was part of a plan aimed to rebuild the cultural and entertainment businesses.
Germany: Example On How To Save The Entertainment Industry
Now, a German parliament committee has approved the augmentation of the project’s funding to €2.1 billion. Culture minister Monika Grüttters declared:
“We invest in Germany’s cultural infrastructure and thus direct our gaze towards the future. This strong commitment by parliament to culture and media is a major signal in these difficult times.”
This isn’t the first time Germany sets an example of what should be done. In order to save the entertainment industry, Germany has implemented numerous measurements. In March, Germany launched an emergency coronavirus fund for musicians worth up to €40 million. March. Just as the whole thing was starting. Take a second to reflect on that. In October, they designated Techno and house club events as concerts. Why? To help by significantly reducing the tax that venues pays on ticket sales.
Germany will save its entertainment industry. However, the rest of the world might not be able to. Certainly, there’ a lot of work left. Nonetheless, in order to be able to save the entertainment industry, the rest of the world might want to start following in on Germany’s steps.