The world-renowned deadmau5 launched OSC/PILOT, an application originally made for musicians and digital artists. This tool was used for years by the Canadian producer while touring.
If there’s something that differentiates deadmau5′ live shows from others, it’s the amount of technological innovation that goes into all of his hardware and software. OSC/PILOT is consistently utilized in his shows and is now available to the public.
“OSC/PILOT has been in development since October 2013 and I’ve been field testing and using it in shows since that time. It’s a vital component to our live production, both on stage and front of house”.
As overlapping continues between audio and visual components, there is a need to simplify the way in which they interact. For instance, interoperability between the applications at the artist’s disposal allows the control of content within the data space.
In addition, the amounts of display options provide artists with a canvas to decide the direction in which they would like to take the content. deadmau5′ OSC/PILOT shows to be a robust and simple tool, offering a flexible way for users to build custom UIs for live performance or production.

deadmau5 OSC/PILOT Features
Make UIs in minutes
– A simple drag interface means laying out a new UI takes no time at all.
– Multiple workspaces allow for different UIs to be used from within one project.
– Multi-Touch fully supported. Drive the UI with as many fingers as your touch display allows.
Supports sending and receiving OSC (Open Sound Control) data
– Send OSC data to control other applications and devices that support OSC
– Control visual applications such as TouchDesigner, vvvv, Resolume, VDMX, Notch, etc.
– Receive OSC data from external sources to drive the content shown in the UI
Supports sending MIDI
– Connect to devices directly plugged into the computer
– Send MIDI to other computers and applications using network MIDI tools.
– Control Ableton Live, bitwig, and other audio applications using your own custom UI.
You can buy the license for $49.99 at oscpilot. com. You can also watch an OSC/PILOT demo with deadmau5 himself below.