
French producer Airmow unveiled his six-track EP, RUPTURE, and it’s out via Cloudkid. The release followed up three single releases earlier and has a grouping of interesting features. On that, Silent Child, Trove, Leo, Frizzy The Streetz, and blurblur all make appearances individually on tracks. In addition, the EP’s title, RUPTURE, creates a vivid image of what’s to be heard musically, as it’s constantly bursting.

“This EP is, above all, the fruit of my sound exploration and musical reflection. I specifically chose to merge musical genres that are usually quite distinct and very often well dissociated from each other. He adds: “RUPTURE represents the culmination of years of evolution and work, finally finding myself artistically”


Overall, the six-track body of work brings together an inspired culmination of genres and styles. You’ll hear bass-centric songs, and they’re intertwined with many touches, setting a distinct setting. For example, ‘Now I’m Just A Ghost‘ featuring Silent Child, brings deep and dark tones alongside ardent melodic vocal tones. This cuts through stylistically until the drop which brings about a brooding heavy bass. Atop that, glistening arpeggios layer on, making the composition come to life.

Moreover, this artistic approach closes in on a unique sound that can only arrive here. Overall, the EP is stacked with inspired textures that came about through the culmination of experience and taste. You can be sure that excitement and drive are within this package, and work homogeneously with the warmer atmosphere that the body presents.

Listen to Airmow deliver his inspiring RUPTURE EP via Cloudkid below!