EDM.com Presents "Quarantini Chats" Episode #7: Martin Jensen

Whether they're bedazzling eggs with rhinestones, baking their own sourdough from scratch, or concocting absurd cocktails, those in the social media community at large have embraced their creativity during their time in quarantine. Harnessing that creativity and manifesting it into the dance music community, EDM.com's Instagram Live interview series "Quarantini Chats" invites the brightest music producers and DJs in the game to join our platform and craft a custom cocktail as they sip and dive into a wide range of topics with our special guest hosts, The Hotel Lobby.

Danish dance music superstar Martin Jensen is joining EDM.com for the 7th episode of "Quarantini Chats." Jensen, who has accrued a staggering 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify due to his intoxicating dance-pop sonic flair, is inviting fans to concoct his signature "Martin's End-Of-Summer" cocktail.

Join us via Instagram Live tomorrow, September 26th, at 11AM PT (2PM ET) for the show. If you'd like to craft Jensen's signature quarantini and immerse yourself in the interview, you can find the ingredients below.


  • 50ml gin
  • 25ml champagne
  • 15ml Elderflower cordial
  • Tonic water to top off

Editor's Note: EDM.com does not condone, encourage, or tolerate underage drinking.


Facebook: facebook.com/djmartinjensen
Twitter: twitter.com/djmartinjensen
Instagram: instagram.com/djmartinjensen
Spotify: spoti.fi/2G3Mrib