Android Jones, Iconic Visual Artist, Loses Decades Worth of Art In Devastating Studio Fire

Consider helping one of electronic music’s most iconic visual artists, Android Jones, whose decades of work went up in flames after a devastating fire.

Jones recently shared the heartbreaking news that his art studio had burned down on January 18th. He says he lost roughly 20 years worth of work in the fire, which claimed all of his art books, sketches, hard drives, laptops and equipment. The bespoke creative studio was built by his late father, who passed away in 2013.

The renowned Colorado artist has now launched a GoFundMe campaign to help rebuild the studio and acquire the tools he needs to continue his work.

“I have never felt this vulnerable and raw. I woke up feeling like a ghost of my former self. Nothing can replace these things,” Jones writes. “All the years of energy I invested in acquiring these precious things, my collection of sacred stuff. It feels impossible to put into words what it feels like to witness all of that concentrated energy, all its potential value, and my life force dematerialize in a deadly inferno of smoke rising into the air.”

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For those unfamiliar with Jones, he’s been a staple in the electronic music community for quite some time now. He’s created album art for Tipper and STS9, has been featured at Burning Man, Lightning in a Bottle and Lost Lands, and has his psychedelic work plastered on the walls and apparel of fans all over the world.

“I feel lost. The grief is exceptional,” Jones continued. “The barn was more than a place, it was my highest manifestation of creative possibilities. As an ever-evolving sculpture, it was my most valuable artwork. It was an external projection of my inner world. This place held all of my madness and magic. There was so much of myself that burned yesterday that I don’t even feel like the same person. It was my sacred safe place and now it’s been deleted from reality and i’m left with the hideous residue of its smoldering corpse, and a Herculean task of cleanup and restoration. And now I have to discover who I am without it. I don’t know what to do now. I don’t know what to do with myself.”

The cause of the fire has not been determined at the time of writing. You can support Jones by donating to his campaign here.

You can learn more about Jones’ remarkable career by reading our interview with him back in 2020.

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