Flores – ‘Brown’

The last time I featured Flores on the blog was back in 2017. She blew me away then, and she has done it again. ‘Brown’ is the fifth and final single from Flores’ debut EP, ‘In The Lives They Left’. It’s produced by long-time collaborator Maths Time Joy. When these two get together, they create art. And on this track, they make a song that everyone should listen to carefully as it highlights a crucial issue. 

Flores said of the song:

“I wrote this song to the 10 year old me, the young indigenous kids who are from Mexico & Latin America who are all too often left out of the conversation. That we are from this land, we are not invaders, illegals and deserve to be treated with dignity and humanity. Our brown issues. This is a love song to validate our pains, our stories, our histories, the cruelties and injustices and a big middle finger to the government institutions that continue to oppress us through the generations.”

Hear the track below.

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