Amitai Aricha x D-ONE project – ‘His Face’

Amitai Aricha, together with Yarden Erez and the D-ONE project, release their new single, ‘His Face’.

Their first single, His Face, resurrects an ancient tune from time immemorial, to the yearnful words of great Jewish-Yemenite poet Sholem Al-Shabazi. The resurrected form, presented in the new single, was conceived following Aricha’s extensive wanderings throughout Israel, a period of internal and external exploration and research, during which the song rose of its own volition, wove itself into being and was seemingly begging to come to light.

The song’s lyrics are sung in the unique, musical Hebrew dialect of Yemenite Jews.

Check out the music video below.

It’s a very captivating song; I loved it from the moment I pressed play. I don’t know what is being said, but that’s the beauty of music. You don’t have to speak the language to fall in love with it.


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