Fiona Harte’s vocals are so pure. Her new track, ‘What Is Loving Anymore’ is a stunning piece of acoustic folk with the most beautiful harmonies.
The track is off Fiona’s four-track EP, ‘Home Recordings’ which was recorded, mixed and produced from Harte’s home due to the restrictions posed by the current pandemic.
Speaking on the track, Fiona said:
“I wrote this song with Ryan O’Shaughnessy a few months back. We recorded a studio version which I love but I also wanted to put a home recording of the song on this record. It was recorded in a bedroom, just 1 take and a few harmonies added in after. The song explores uncertainty around the meaning of love and questions whether it’s possible to find it again after experiencing it heartbreak. ‘What Is Loving Anymore’ is one of the most honest songs I have ever written and my mother’s personal favourite so it had to make the cut!”
Hear it below