Although lock downs are still in place throughout the world, the music is still steadily flowing. DJ’s are still hammering out live streams left and right to keep the shut-ins’ feet shuffling from bedrooms to living rooms. On Thursday, techno heads definitely put in some major shuffle time. Charlotte de Witte rocked a booming set from her Ghent, Belgium rooftop for her ‘New Form‘ live stream. Indeed, these live streams are a new form of performance for most artists. Nevertheless, this set is one you don’t want to miss.
Certainly, the Belgian skyline of Ghent in the background makes quite the backdrop for a daytime techno set. Only Charlotte’s glimmering smile outshines the breathtaking view. Surely the location is reminiscent of sets you might find on a Cercle live stream. However, in stark contrast to the bright and beautiful skyline, Charlotte fills ‘New Form’ with mostly dark, driving techno beats. Especially in its outset, you can hear many Gothic and ghastly undertones ring through. Admittedly, though, the vibes never falter as the entire 80+ minutes of beats are noticeably uptempo. In particular, around the 57 minute mark, Charlotte lets loose a banging track the carries you to the end of the mix.

Overall, New Form is a dope set that you need to add to your Youtube queue right now. Especially, if you’re having some Charlotte de Witte withdrawals. This’ll have to hold you over following cancellation of most of her tour dates. Be sure to follow her on her Youtube and website as more of these New Form sets are likely to come.